For now I’m just taking pictures of the things that make me feel.
Sometimes that looks like broken glass and duct tape.
Other times, it’s a lost sign somebody burned into wood as they waited for the train. A mysterious red button beside it, begging to be pushed, as though it might take you to the exact place you want to go.
Right next to it, some more broken glass, and caution tape pretending to keep us safe.
Speaking of glass…
Plants through glass are making me feel, which lucky for me, are everywhere.
Plants perched on ledges, living on the edge, keeping us company, helping us breathe.
Plants in laundry mats, and other mysterious places, are for inside and out.
Plants in pet stores,
meta plants,
and the ultimate plant (i.e, flowers) behind glass. Clearly, somebody else has already figured out how beautiful this is and is trying to show us.
If we’re lucky, we’ll walk by and notice. If we’re even luckier, we’ll STOP and take it in.
oh my gawwwwwwwd i love these. also: broken glass and duct tape = my safezone/band name. Seriously love these photos. Might even have to draw that one of the plants perched on their ledge. Perfection.